Although you might not expect it, daylilies make fine cut-flowers — or at least our graceful heirloom varieties do. Individual flowers last just one day, but buds will continue to develop and open for up to a week indoors.
Here are a couple of bouquets to inspire you, and you can read what a 1954 USDA booklet had to say on the subject in our Daylily Archives.

July 7, 2015: Daylily season is in full swing, and the possibilities seem endless. This bouquet on our front porch includes, clockwise from top left: golden, trumpet-shaped ‘Ophir’, dark purplish-red ‘Potentate’, cheery yellow ‘Circe’ (which we’ll offer again in 2017), another ‘Ophir’, and rusty red ‘Port’, combined with purple-headed garlic (aka drumsticks), purple coneflower, snapdragons, a nameless lily, and more.

May 27, 2015: Our first daylilies bloom surprisingly early, just as spring is giving way to summer. That’s ‘Sovereign’ on the left, ‘Orangeman’ in the center (and top), and one lonely ‘Gold Dust’ on the right, combined with purple smoke-bush foliage, ferns, honesty, forget-me-nots, and two very early peonies.