As our long-time customers know, we usually offer a rotating selection of our iris and daylilies, meaning there could be a wait of several years before a particular variety is available again. But since we’ll be digging all our daylilies and iris this year to move them to our new growing fields, we’ve decided to offer far more varieties for spring and summer than we typically do, making this a great year to look for your favorites, or ones whose colors you simply love, when you can see so many of them at once to compare and contrast. They are winter-hardy, not needing to be dug and carried over winter, and have long been treasured by gardeners for their adaptability and longevity – most of the “ditch dayliles” we see today are descendents of ones that early settlers brought with them in their journey to provide low-maintenance beauty for their new homesteads. (H. fulva can, in fact, be invasive, which is why we don’t offer it in its original prolific/weedy form.) Daylilies and iris are also favorite pass-along plants since they form clumps over time which are easy to divide and share with friends. So seize the moment - our huge project is your splendid opportunity!