Crocus are the classic and much-loved symbol of spring, blooming early and offering such beautiful colors to our winter-weary eyes! For Fall 2023 we’re excited to be adding some delightful varieties to our offerings and wanted to bring them to your attention now so you could consider them as you survey your spring garden.
‘Weldenii Fairy’ crocus – This magical variety of C. biflorus, or Scotch crocus, has outer petals of light violet and silvery-white centers with a lilac blush. These diminutive sprites bloom early and naturalize well where happy.

‘Prins Claus’ crocus – Like other snow crocus, this eye-catching prince of the C. chrysanthus lineage is an early bloomer, distinguished by its regal deep, dark purple petals that alternate with white ones to enliven your spring garden.

‘Hubert Edelsten’ crocus – This rare form of C. sieberi was developed nearly a century ago by Mr. Edelsten, a neighbor of British garden-writer E.A. Bowles who described the man as “almost as mad about crocuses as I am” and his variety as “very beautiful.” The three outer petals are bright purple with a dramatic white band matching the white of the inner petals. Bright orange stamens add to the glory!